You can contact us at any time by going to the Information Request page on our website and submitting a request. Please be aware that due to technical difficulties, we are unable to accept new tests at this time. If you’d like to be kept up on test availability, please provide your contact information on the Information Request tab in our menu.

After we resume full availability, our map of consenting providers will be activated, displaying their contact information on our website. Please keep in mind that this data is for your convenience only. We do not encourage or advise any specific firms or practices since our test is available to all vendors. This information is simply provided to help you get in touch with a provider of your choice.

Responsibilities of the Patient

Once we have received and reviewed your sample, our laboratory will contact you for payment or insurance authorization via telephone within 24 hours. If samples are sent without this call being made first, they may not be processed at all. Our lab requires that someone over 18 years old be available during regular business hours to take care of each step involved in testing procedures: blood draw, sample shipment and receiving results. Blood must be drawn by venipuncture (needle stick). All other draws such as arterial lines or intra-luminal catheters are unacceptable specimens for analysis purposes due to their risk factors associated with them which can compromise test results.

If you are unable to make any of these calls yourself, please notify our office immediately upon receipt of your test kit so that we can arrange for someone else to handle them on your behalf. Our phone number is provided in the consent packet included with each box sent out by ONCOblot® Labs.